An easy to follow programme that is for anybody who wants to improve their nutrition for the benefit of their health, energy levels, day-to-day performance and much more.
Delivered by experts and backed up by credible science.
£349 for 1 Year Instant Access
Total Value: £1,585
Looking after your nutrition is one of the most effective ways to enhance your overall health and performance.
Whether you are a high flying athlete, work from home parent or busy executive, this programme is perfect for anybody who wants to improve their daily food habits and enhance their overall quality of life.
By the end of this programme, you will be confidently applying the core principles of health and performance nutrition to optimise your physical and mental energy, best protect your overall health, and much more!
You’re confused and overwhelmed about what to eat and drink on a daily basis to best protect your health, wellbeing and energy levels?
You struggle to get into a good nutrition routine that aligns with your unique lifestyle?
You waste time, energy and resources trying out new diets only to end up back at square one in a few months (or even weeks) time?
You don’t know who is trustworthy, credible, and appropriately qualified to give evidence-based nutrition advice?
Healthy eating is often made bland, boring and unsustainable over the long-term?
Even when you know what’s best to eat, you struggle to find ways to sustain positive eating habits over the long-term?
You would be more confident if health and performance nutrition was simplified, easy to do and fitted within your busy lifestyle?
Having more mental and physical energy on a daily basis.
Developing excellent nutrition habits that are simple, easy to do and fit within your busy lifestyle.
Learning not just what's best to eat and drink, but HOW to actually sustain positive habits and behaviours over the long-term.
Learning from highly qualified experts who are trusted by many of the world’s best high performers.
Ditching diets for good and never looking back!
Bite-sized coaching videos - study in your own time and at your own pace. 12 months access.
Templates, guides and resources - helping you personalise this programme to your unique goals and requirements. Fully downloadable & yours to keep for life.
A £650 valued collection of pre-made guides and delicious, easy-to-make recipes. Fully downloadable & yours to keep for life.
24 bite-sized coaching videos.
+ much more!
In our first coaching video, we explain the myriad of ways in which good nutrition can benefit your life as a whole. We show you how to take an effective mental approach so that you can harness the power of nutrition to support various areas of your life - both right now, and long into the future.
Positive and lasting change requires more than just knowledge (knowing what’s best to do). Here we help you adopt a new perspective to improve cognitions and emotions around healthy eating.
Many of us struggle to adopt and sustain new behaviours because they don’t align with ‘who we are’. This coaching video explores the importance and benefits of shaping positive change around your unique ‘identity’. We help you articulate your identity and core values, and explore whether your current behaviours align with them.
Many of use have been trained to set SMART goals (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Time bound). However, when setting personal nutrition goals, the key for long-term success is to centre these around the person we wish to become. This coaching videos shows exactly how you can set your very own identity based goals to improve both your current and future self.
+ much more!
The foods you choose to eat on a daily basis can have a profound impact on both your physical and mental energy (food can either work for you or against you).
In this coaching video, we help you understand the main differences between physical and mental energy, and how you can use the power of food to enhance both.
Building upon our previous coaching video, here we help you ‘fine tune’ your daily nutrition habits to meet your own specific requirements.
We teach you how to ‘periodise’ your nutrition relative to the (often changing) demands of your day-to-day life.
Hydration is crucial for optimising physical and metal performance, as well as for protecting your overall health and wellbeing.
In this coaching video, we highlight the importance of keeping your body well hydrated. We also demonstrate how you can easily monitor your hydration status, and provide plenty of simple yet effective practical tips to keep on top of your hydration throughout the day, including which are the best drinks to choose and which drinks are best to limit where possible.
We live in a world of mass and misinformation, especially when it comes to nutrition. Knowing what’s best to do can be confusing, overwhelming and disheartening, and eating well is often made more difficult than need be.
In this coaching video, we dispel some popular myths, and provide evidence-based facts to help simplify your healthy eating journey moving forward.
+ much more!
Gut health isn’t just about good digestion - it impacts the health of your entire body. Not only is it hugely important for your physical and mental health, it can also influence your overall brain function, as well as your daily and exercise energy levels.
This coaching video offers our top nutrition tips to best support your gut health. They are simple but highly effective, and what’s best, they can be implemented by anyone, easily.
A healthy immune system is key to living a happy and fulfilled life.
A healthy diet can strengthen your immune system, while a poor diet can lead to immune dysfunction. This coaching video provides clarity on which foods are best for the immune system, and how you can implement these (easily) on a regular basis.
Sleep plays a vital role in good health and wellbeing throughout your life. It can also significantly impact your daily mood, energy and performance. Despite this, many of us still struggle to get the recommended 8-9 hours of sleep each night.
Here we provide you with our top nutrition and lifestyle tips to optimise your sleep routine and overall sleep quality.
Regardless of your current body size, shape or goals, this coaching video helps you
understand the basic principles of weight management. There will be no mention of any ‘fad diets’ here - just simple and easy to understand advice that can save you time, energy and resources when making decisions on your weight management approach moving forward.
When it comes to eating for health and performance, time - or perhaps more accurately, a lack of time - is a key barrier for many.
This coaching video provides our top tips on how you can continue to eat well even when you are limited for time.
Food is so much more than just fuel for the body. The social element to food is incredibly important, and we encourage everybody to enjoy eating out from time to time.
When eating out, people often struggle to know which foods are best to choose and which to watch out for. This coaching video provides our top tips to help you make smart choices while eating out or ordering in.
Travel is often another barrier to eating well, but it really doesn’t need to be. Regardless of where you are or where you’re travelling to, the advice provided in this coaching video will help you make smarter food choices while ‘on-the-go’, wherever you may be!
A busy lifestyle can be a key limiter to eating well and exercising regularly. Here we provide surprisingly effective ways to weave nutrition and physical activity 'wins' into your day-to-day life - even on your busiest days!
+ much more!
Many factors can influence your daily food choices i.e. your habits and behaviours. These can either work for you or against you. By understanding the basics of behaviour and habit formation, you will be better equipped to design your own change in a way that works for you over the long-term.
Motivation is dynamic - it rises and falls, and is difficult to influence. In this coaching video, we explore the impact that motivation can have on developing new, positive habits. We teach you how to manage your motivation and continue to move in a positive direction - even when motivation is low.
It can be disheartening when we find ourselves unable to stick to a new routine or set of habits because we lack the ability to do so. We often blame ourselves and don’t know why we are struggling.
However, we can take a reverse approach to this problem by first figuring out what may limit our ability to do the behaviours that we set for ourselves. This coaching video equips you with an approach to identify what limits you doing your target behaviours and ways you can overcome your limitations.
Triggers, prompts and cues are all powerful reminders to do a behaviour. Our brain is hard wired to respond to them. In this coaching video, we demonstrate how you can use triggers, prompts and cues to your advantage.
+ much more!
In this coaching video, we help you identify what it is that you want to change. We use a systematic way to turn down the noise and dial in on what you really want to achieve.
Sometimes it can be hard to know when is best to start building a new habit or routine and procrastination may get in the way. This coaching video helps you get the ball rolling with your journey towards your goals (you can recycle these methods for future change too!).
Staying on track can be difficult, especially over the long-term. However, some surprisingly smart and easy to implement methods can really help. This coaching video offers our top tips to hack your psychology and help you stay on track across both the short- and long-term.
Despite our best efforts, we all fall off track from time to time. In our final coaching video, we provide some useful tools to help you manage setbacks and keep you on the straight and narrow over the long-term. This approach will also help reframe your way of thinking about setbacks, so that when they do happen, you can use them to your advantage moving forward.
Specialists in health and performance nutrition.
Trusted by many of the world’s best high performers, as well as leading companies and organisations such as Mercedes AMG HPP Formula 1 Team, we help our clients develop positive and sustainable nutrition habits to optimise their long-term health, wellbeing and performance; no matter their starting point or goals.
We specialise in supporting elite athletes and high performing executives, as well as parents, adolescents and small family teams.
Still unsure? Checkout our Expert Team and who we are Trusted By.